Blurburger Zine no.2

Poem: Pressed

Jammed together in an elevator,
like a shuffling, stuffed box of pencils,
going down, first floor.
Pressed against her back,
adrift in her hair,
I fell in love with her neck.

Journal from the End Time

Photos & a poem with dark aesthetics. See my blog post for more info on my dark obsessions :)

Wrote this first for myself, but after taking out all the swear words it works well for any aspiring writer (IMHO) :)


Hey hey wanna-be bestselling bestie, whatcha gonna do with all these heaped up midden hidden words huh? How you gonna make them be living breathing fluttering birds, do the dance, tongue kiss those pages, shake up the shake ups, and fill those tomes?

You gotta take the first steps, you alliterating literate you, get your start on, rip off your plastic wrapped shell, drink your own lemonade, expose your inner turmoil boiling naked body language to every other body out there.

You gotta reset your score, take stock, take the stock, do an unboxing of your words, get the words down, up, and down again, and just... GET UP, YOU LAZY THING.

You gotta know your insides well enough, you spiraling aspiring town crier of words on fire. To make those stories count you need to fill those pages multitudes full - brimming to the rimming with signs of unrest, crimes against your fellow bellowing grunge-goth-hello-kitties; where EVERYTHING is broken, up and down, disintegrating planets of tension, stinking wells of unspoken backstory, borderline body shredding three-act anarchy. Just so you and your metabolic metaphors can stitch it all back to back again.

So you quick thinking lit licker, you world wily word-smith, you only need a word to begin: this, that, big, fat, chatter, it doesn't matter, just light it up. Just write it.

AND LOOK! I spent some time making it into something I'd like to stick on my wall! If you'd like to grab a page-sized PNG version, all laid out like a living breathing manifesto, just click on the thumbnail. Feel free to share it.

Crafty: A faux carved stone

This is my "carved" stone.

I made it by covering a river/beach stone in a thin layer (in about 1 or 2mm) of modelling paste. (One side at a time). Which I then carved into with a wooden skewer. You could carve whatever you want into the paste.

Once the paste is dry I painted silver color over the rock, making sure to get into all the carvings.

Then I rubbed it in black paint using paper towel so the black didn't get down into the carvings. You could use whatever colors you want of course.

Once dry I coated it in a gloss sealer. Yay!

Small things made of wishes

Spoons, doorstops, hairy caterpillars, commas, the Monopoly dog, black and white blurry photos of streets, Saturday dawns, floating cat hairs, the size of Betelgeuse from Earth, the smell of puppies, finger marks in dust, the first letter of a novel, jasmine everything, including Jasmine.